In the emergency room, X-rays are obtained to rule out fracture and ensure that the knee joint is in proper position. Sometimes a reduction of the knee dislocation is necessary. Neurovascular assessment is performed and oftentimes requires a CT angiogram to assess if appropriate blood flow is maintained in the limb. If the artery is damaged or clotted, then a vascular surgeon would perform emergency surgery to reconstitute blood flow to the limb. Oftentimes these patients are treated with a spanning joint external fixator to stabilize the knee.
From a purely orthopedic standpoint, experts in knee ligament reconstruction can repair all of the damaged ligaments. Often this is performed in one operation but, at times, numerous surgical procedures are required to repair and or reconstruct all of the ligaments damaged. These surgeries can take numerous hours and are quite extensive. Postoperatively, these patients require significant rehabilitation of their knee to regain range of motion, muscle strength, and agility.