My interests include acute, subacute, and overuse sports-related injuries and rehabilitation of the knee, the foot and ankle, as well as the shoulder with a special interest in the pediatric population. I place great value in return to sport testing to ensure athletes are prepared and safe to resume activities. Additionally, I enjoy training and rehabilitating the overhead athlete with an emphasis on throwing mechanics.
Megan Semon, P.T., D.P.T., SCS, C.S.C.S.
Physical Therapist
- Sports Medicine
- Minneapolis, MN

Undergraduate Studies
Iowa State University - Ames, IA
Doctor of Physical Therapy, Washington University - St. Louis, MO
- American Physical Therapy Association
- Minnesota Physical Therapy Association
- American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy
- Sports Certified Specialist (SCS)
- Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
- Emergency Medical Responder