Multicenter hip, knee, and shoulder research with Mayo Clinic Rochester and Arizona. As a former collegiate athlete, Dr. Crowe continues to remain active in a number of sports including basketball, swimming, golf, tennis, hiking, and cycling. Despite these interests, his favorite activity is spending time with his wife and children. He enjoys playing the piano and guitar and his involvement in his church.
Matthew M. Crowe, M.D.
Physician - Orthopedic Surgery
- Sports Medicine
- Jacksonville, FL

Undergraduate Studies
Stanford University- Palo Alto, CA
Medical School
Duke University – Durham, NC
Orthopedic Surgery – Mayo Clinic- Rochester, Rochester, MN
Orthopedic Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy , Southern California Ortho Inst. – Van Nuys, CA
- American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery
- American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine
- NCAA All-American Swimmer at Stanford University
- USA Swimming Olympic Trials Participant
- Mayo Orthopedics Residency Clinical Competency Award Winner
- Duke University AOA Medical Honor Society
- Stanford Engineering Frederick E. Terman School of Engineering Award