- Knee repair
- Arthroplasty
- Joint preservation surgery and cell based surgery
- Biological joint reconstruction
- Osteotomy, joint distraction, and complex ligament reconstructions
- Cartilage cell therapy
- Application and ethics of stem cell technologies in treating degenerative diseases
- Clinical trials for regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies
- Knee surgery from simplest meniscus to infected total knee revision
Daniel Saris, M.D., Ph.D.
Physician - Orthopedic Surgery
- Sports Medicine
- Rochester, MN

Personal Interests
Recently I was recruited to Mayo Clinic to achieve my goals as an orthopedic surgeon to provide personalized, reliable, (cost) efficient care. My research group focuses on patient-centered progress in musculoskeletal area, to partner with patients, and to critically review our clinical practice, guided by a desire to update and challenge current models of care and transparently communicate what can be achieved and what is required to succeed. Active participation in translational research and clinical trials are essential goals of our research group. Many research collaborations and international projects have culminated in my appointment at Mayo Clinic as professor of Orthopedic Surgery aimed at Translational advances and the implementation of Regenerative Medicine. I have invested energy, vision, and time into building what now is one of the highest regarded clinical trials units in knee repair.
Undergraduate Studies
University of Amsterdam – The Netherlands
Medical School
University of Amsterdam – The Netherlands
Orthopaedics, University of Utrecht – The Netherlands
Orthopaedics, Cartilage & Biomechanics, Mayo Clinic - Rochester, MN
PhD - Orthopaedics, University of Utrecht - The Netherlands
- Dutch Arthroscopy Society, Masterclass in Knee Arthroscopy Conference – Conference Organizer
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
- Dutch Orthopaedic Society
- Dutch Society for Orthopaedic Traumatology
- International Cartilage Repair Society
- ISAKOS – International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
- Netherlands Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering – Past Board Member
- IMPACT trial. “3 Hottest topics @ AAOS”
- Jack Hughston award Am. Journal. Sports Medicine
- Honorary title ‘Fellow of the International Cartilage Repair Society’
- ‘Best Basic Science award’ Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
- ‘Kelly Research Award’ to D.B.F. Saris by the Mayo Foundation for “Outstanding basic science research”
- American Journal of Sports Medicine best review paper (Is Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reliable in Predicting Clinical Outcome After Articular Cartilage Repair of the Knee?: A Systematic Review and Meta )
- ‘Mathijsen award’ 2005-2008, by the Dutch Orthopaedic Society for the best Ph.D. thesis (boundary conditions for cartilage regeneration)
- American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons for best research paper for Orthokin trial